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What do we make of the supposed conversion of Chris Watts, the one who murdered his wife and three kids?
First, we have to remember that Jesus can and does save. If Jesus can't save, then what's the worth of Christianity?
Second, this does not mean this guy is really repentant. He likely could be lying, but he also could be telling the truth. We may never know for sure on this side of the grave. However, just because someone identifies with or claims Christ does not mean it is so. Many identify as a Christian. However, being a Christian is more than just identifying as one. The word "Christian" means something; it means one has turned from sin to being a follower of Jesus and his ways. This means many who identify as one but don't live it are not really Christian. We have to remember Jesus' words to the ones who claim him but don't do what he says, "I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness." An excellent example is Hitler. Many historians deny Hitler was a Christian, and for good reason. However, let’s say he identified as one. Did Hitler fit the definition of a Christian? No. Sitting in a garage and identifying as a car doesn’t make you a car. Nor does sitting in Church and identifying as a Christian make you a Christian.
Third, just because one is forgiven by Christ does not mean there are no consequences for sin. Just because we as individuals forgive a sinner does not mean one does not have to bear the consequence of his or her actions. A truly repentant person will take responsibility and make restitution to his or her fellow human beings ... including taking the punishment that is due him on earth. That is the role of govement on earth. Consider what Paul said in Romans 13:3-4 "For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to [execute] wrath upon him that doeth evil." Sin, though it can be forgiven, still leaves scars.
Fourth, his actions were evil, pure evil. But, without excusing him, so were King David's and even Paul's! Both were repentant and received pardon from God, but there still were consequences. David lost a child and had many other family issues. David Wood would be a modern example of one who was evil but turned to Christ. As an atheist, he bashed in the head of his dad! He paid for his crime, and eventually became a Christ follower. We also must not forget that there are many abortionist who are murdering thousands and thousands of lives unrepentant and never receiving earthly retribution. What a double standard our society holds!
Fifth, we each have to look at ourselves, each have done evil. No, maybe not to the extent of this guy or Hitler or Stalin or to the level of an abortionists, but we still have done evil and need saving too. We have to remember we have been saved from our sins. Jesus says this in Matthew 6:14-15 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses."
Sixth, we have to remember that Christianity is full of paradoxes. Society thinks Christians are too soft and other times they think Christians are to hard. No wonder, on one end Christians are full of mercy, but on the other full of justice. On one end Christians are full of forgiveness, but on the other they are full of judgment. Christianity promotes both faith and reason, seemly opposites. These are not flaming opposites, rather they run in parallel. These types of paradoxes come from the nature of Christianity, based upon Jesus himself. Jesus was both fully man and fully God, seemly opposites. John says Jesus was full of grace and truth, seemly opposites. Jesus is one with the Father in nature, but separate in person, seemingly opposite but not. This is also why the word tolerance is not strong enough in Christian theology. Christianity rather teaches love. Love is a word in tension. It describes one dying for another while at the same time it is quick to point out evil, sin and badness.
Check out a good article on the Chris Watts case below.
First, we have to remember that Jesus can and does save. If Jesus can't save, then what's the worth of Christianity?
Second, this does not mean this guy is really repentant. He likely could be lying, but he also could be telling the truth. We may never know for sure on this side of the grave. However, just because someone identifies with or claims Christ does not mean it is so. Many identify as a Christian. However, being a Christian is more than just identifying as one. The word "Christian" means something; it means one has turned from sin to being a follower of Jesus and his ways. This means many who identify as one but don't live it are not really Christian. We have to remember Jesus' words to the ones who claim him but don't do what he says, "I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness." An excellent example is Hitler. Many historians deny Hitler was a Christian, and for good reason. However, let’s say he identified as one. Did Hitler fit the definition of a Christian? No. Sitting in a garage and identifying as a car doesn’t make you a car. Nor does sitting in Church and identifying as a Christian make you a Christian.
Third, just because one is forgiven by Christ does not mean there are no consequences for sin. Just because we as individuals forgive a sinner does not mean one does not have to bear the consequence of his or her actions. A truly repentant person will take responsibility and make restitution to his or her fellow human beings ... including taking the punishment that is due him on earth. That is the role of govement on earth. Consider what Paul said in Romans 13:3-4 "For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to [execute] wrath upon him that doeth evil." Sin, though it can be forgiven, still leaves scars.
Fourth, his actions were evil, pure evil. But, without excusing him, so were King David's and even Paul's! Both were repentant and received pardon from God, but there still were consequences. David lost a child and had many other family issues. David Wood would be a modern example of one who was evil but turned to Christ. As an atheist, he bashed in the head of his dad! He paid for his crime, and eventually became a Christ follower. We also must not forget that there are many abortionist who are murdering thousands and thousands of lives unrepentant and never receiving earthly retribution. What a double standard our society holds!
Fifth, we each have to look at ourselves, each have done evil. No, maybe not to the extent of this guy or Hitler or Stalin or to the level of an abortionists, but we still have done evil and need saving too. We have to remember we have been saved from our sins. Jesus says this in Matthew 6:14-15 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses."
Sixth, we have to remember that Christianity is full of paradoxes. Society thinks Christians are too soft and other times they think Christians are to hard. No wonder, on one end Christians are full of mercy, but on the other full of justice. On one end Christians are full of forgiveness, but on the other they are full of judgment. Christianity promotes both faith and reason, seemly opposites. These are not flaming opposites, rather they run in parallel. These types of paradoxes come from the nature of Christianity, based upon Jesus himself. Jesus was both fully man and fully God, seemly opposites. John says Jesus was full of grace and truth, seemly opposites. Jesus is one with the Father in nature, but separate in person, seemingly opposite but not. This is also why the word tolerance is not strong enough in Christian theology. Christianity rather teaches love. Love is a word in tension. It describes one dying for another while at the same time it is quick to point out evil, sin and badness.
Check out a good article on the Chris Watts case below.
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